The project "SMART JUMP"

To boost enterprise’s competitiveness through innovation, technology transfer must be integrated by knowledge transformation into added value: people, knowledge networks and cooperation platforms are essential drivers. The change to smart entrepreneurship shall include new opportunities for women and youth, two groups who still face barriers to their individual and economic development.
Cultural background, age, gender, education and language are just some of the variables characterizing the modern appearance of a business. Different “colours” define a plural and heterogeneous enterprise.
Such a change shows up strongly in the Creative Industries, which includes not only the cultural industries (media, design, the movies), but also products and services that contain as a substantial element a creative or artistic effort, thus considering architecture, fashion, communication. Despite the great potential of creative and cultural enterprises, around 900.000 in Europe producing the 3% of the overall European GIP (402 billion of Euros), and a relevant quota of jobs, those enterprises are widely undervalued. Not only do they need support to the entrepreneurial component, but also to enhance and strengthen added value relationships with consolidated manufacturing industries.
Confindustria Veneto SIAV, with the support of the European Erasmus+ Programme, will run two integrated initiatives to stimulate an inclusive approach to smart entrepreneurship in the creative and manufacturing sectors, by building upon successful models, business cases and innovative training methodologies and by consolidating existing communities of entrepreneurs, business services agencies, universities.
The Strategic Partnership “SMART JUMP - Smart entrepreneurial skills for Creative Industries: an inclusive perspective” (2015-2018) involves women and youth in the creative sector and in manufacturing industries.

On one side, female entrepreneurs or women in management in Europe are less than 30% and have limited access to high level managerial training.
On the other side, the support to entrepreneurship, especially in emerging sectors and with high rate of development has been recognised as one of the possible answers to the dramatic situation of youth unemployment, particularly in Southern and Eastern Europe.
By applying the Quadruple Helix model, developed in Sweden by WINNET and the Women Resource Center, SMART JUMP aims to support female and youth entrepreneurship and fine-tune the training offer at local level with the National / regional strategies of development for growth and innovation in Italy, Spain, Hungary and United Kingdom. The project envisages to share the Swedish practice, to develop training contents for female and young entrepreneurs, and to design a community of entrepreneurs and professionals from the public sector, the university and the civil society. The partnership reflects the Quadruple helix model: Confindustria Veneto SIAV, WINNET and ITL Group are representative service agencies for enterprises, Fondazione CUOA is a well established regional business school, the Goldsmiths’ College an internationally renowned University in the fields of Art, Design, Communication and Media Studies, INDICO is an international agency for knowledge and innovation in vocational training of women and youth and the public governmental body Region of Veneto participates through its Department of Training, Education and labour.

